At Garrang Wilam PS students are exposed to a sequential learning program that explicitly teaches reading, writing and spelling. Students will develop their knowledge of letters and sounds in order to decode words. They will develop their fluency, vocabulary and comprehension using evidence based practices. Author Studies are used to link reading and writing. We explicitly teach speaking and listening skills, including conversational techniques, turn-taking and language development. Students are given the opportunity to read each day. Teachers use small group instruction to target individual needs so that all students are learning.

At Garrang Wilam Primary School our Instructional model guides a predictable learning environment to teach writing. The explicit teaching of different genres/text types such as Recounts, Poetry, Information Reports, persuasive and Narratives
Small group and individual conferencing will be an essential component of all writing lessons.
Quality Mentor texts will be used as exemplars during explicit teaching opportunities.
Students are provided with opportunities to be explicitly taught skills of writing. Teachers provide opportunities for students to write for authentic purposes and audiences and inspire students to write for pleasure and the joy of expressing their ideas.