Physical Education at Garrang Wilam Primary School
All students at Garrang Wilam Primary School participate in one 60 minute lesson of Physical Education per week. The Physical Education program provides students with the opportunities to be physically active, develop fundamental motor skills, movement skills, teamwork skills, social skills, sportsmanship skills and apply them into structured activities and games.
The program begins in Prep with the Perceptual Motor Program (PMP), it is a movement-based program which helps younger children improve their eye/hand and eye/foot coordination, fitness, balance, locomotion and eye-tracking skills. Using a variety of equipment this program goes for 6 weeks at the start of the year.
The Physical Education program is a sequential learning program based on the fundamental motor skills of; running, leaping, jumping, dodging, balancing, throwing, catching, kicking, ball bouncing, forehand striking, two handed side striking and punting. As students progress through into middle and upper primary school we transition into ‘Game Sense’ approach through the topics of; target games, invasion games, net/wall games and striking/fielding games. We also explore other topics, such as, what our school values look like in physical education, gymnastics/dance, athletics, indigenous games and living healthy lifestyles and incorporating physical activity into our daily life.
Throughout the school year there are opportunities for students to participate in the below sporting events:
Prep to Year 2
Tabolids Sport Day
Year 3 – Year 6
Cross Country Carnival
Athletics Carnival (shot put, discus, long jump, triple jump, 100m sprint, hurdles)
Year 5/6 Only
Interschool Sport Gala Day – Summer (cricket, teeball, volleystars, basketball, tennis)
Interschool Sport Gala Day – Winter (AFL, netball, soccer, softball, hockey)
* Students can progress through to higher levels of competition, such as, district, regional and state through the above sporting events for Year 3-6.
At GWPS we also use Sporting Schools Victoria and local community connections to have sporting professionals come and visit our classes to talk and/or run sessions.
Swimming and Water Safety is important to us and our community, its focus is to develop a strong foundation and best practice strategies for drowning prevention, safer participation in aquatic environments and swimming and water safety knowledge, skill and understanding. Students are provided the opportunity to participate in swimming lessons taught by trained professionals at a local swimming pool for a 5 day program once a year.