Instructional Model

The instructional framework at Garrang Wilam Primary School is informed by the Gradual Release of Responsibility (GRR) model. We embed an evidence based literacy scope and sequence that teaches students to read, write and spell. In mathematics teachers explicitly teach instruction at point of need and then use Launch, Explore and Summarise to allow students to show their knowledge in problems of practice. Teachers work in teams to collaboratively plan and ensure student data is driving discussions and programs of learning.

The Pedagogical Model is

  • aligned with the Victorian teaching and learning model that incorporates the vision for learning, practice principles and HITS
  • focused on teacher practice as the main contributor to improved student learning outcomes
  • improvement-focused to assist teachers with their professional learning, including designing their PD goals
  • adaptive and can be modified to fit subject contexts
  • implemented together with the practice principles, the pedagogical model enables teachers to maintain a line of sight between their own professional development and school-wide improvement based on FISO
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